Lanzarote Grand Tour to Timanfaya National Park, Green Lagoon, Jameos del Agua and la Geria

Discover the island’s most emblematic landscapes and places in the Grand Tour. Visit these areas and monuments comfortably and accompanied by an official guide while avoiding the long queues required to access Timanfaya and Los Jameos.

The first landmark of our excursion is the coastal village of El Golfo in a Green Lagoon tour (Green Lake), one of the island’s natural symbols. The lake gets its intense green colour from a type of algae that lives in it, and its water is filtered from the nearby Atlantic Ocean. The contrast between the green of the lake with the dark colours in the volcanic environment and with the blue of the neighbouring seawater make this landscape one of the most beautiful on the island.
Charco Verde in Lanzarote
We will continue our tour by heading toward the town of Yaiza in order to enjoy one of the island’s most popular activities: a Timanfaya National Park camel ride. It is an optional activity on our tour, but more than half a million people do it annually, and you can also enjoy it for around 11 euros.
Camel ride through Timanfaya
In our Timanfaya National Park tour, we will discover that this 50 square kilometre area originates from two periods of relatively recent volcanic activity. Specifically, this territory arose through successive eruptions that took place between 1730 and 1736, and later from another eruption in 1824. Those dates are so recent that when visiting the park, you will discover that you are standing in an enormous caldera, with temperatures over 600 degrees just a few metres below your feet.
Guided tour of the Timanfaya National Park
You can see it for yourself through various experiments that we’ll perform once we arrive at a place called Islote de Hilario. In one of those experiments, you will see how a small bit of tinder burns when placed only about a metre underground. In another experiment, you will observe how a geyser is formed when pouring water into subterranean tubes about 10 metres deep. In short, they are simple experiments that will help you understand why this place is known as the Fire Mountains.
Experiments with the Timanfaya heat Geyser in Timanfaya
This force of energy hidden below the surface is advantageous, for example, in the Restaurante Mirador del Diablo (Devil’s Lookout Restaurant), where we will go next. It was designed by the great artist César Manrique and includes an enormous barbecue that is seven metres deep, which uses the heat that emanates from underground.
Restaurant in Islote de Hilario Eat at the Diablo restaurant in Timanfaya
Our visit to Timanfaya National Park ends with an hour-long bus tour along the so-called Volcano Road, which is only accessible by bus. In this part of the tour, you will discover desolate lands full of craters, rivers of lava, capricious rock formations and incredible compositions of natural colours.
Volcanic landscape of Timanfaya Mountains of Fire
At the end of the visit to the Park, we will head toward a restaurant where we can have lunch. If you would like to have the menu, you just have to say so to the guide when he or she offers it to you on the bus.

After eating, we will continue to the northern part of the island to the famous Jameos del Agua. But first, we will make a stop at the Mirador de los Helechos (Fern Lookout), a great place from which to admire the environment of northern Lanzarote. There are beautiful places such as the towns of Arrieta, Punta Mujeres and Haria, or the Valley of a Thousand Palms and the foothills of the Corona Volcano.
Views from the viewpoint of Los Helechos Valley of Lanzarote
Our final stop of the day will be at the spectacular Jameos del Agua. In our Jameos del Agua tour, we will discover a volcanic tunnel that was formed after the Corona Volcano erupted more than 4,000 years ago. Inside the tunnel is a lake formed from the filtered waters of the Atlantic Ocean, since it is located below sea level.
Cave of Los Jameos del Agua
In this lake, you will see some endemic small, blind and albino crabs that live there and that are popularly known as “jameitos.”
The Jameitos crabs
This place would not be quite so magical without the creativity of the great artist César Manrique, who designed an incredible space here that combines art and nature. In addition to a lovely artificial pool, it includes an area known as the Tunnel of Atlantis, a spectacular underground concert hall, and a volcano museum.
Los Jameos by César Manrique Auditorium of Los Jameos
We can’t think of a better place to end our bus tour in Lanzarote, a full tour through this marvellous island, replete with volcanoes, up to 110 of them, which are the true protagonists of the island and the true creators of unique places that you’ll never forget.


As you can imagine, throughout the day we will pass through a variety of landscapes and places, so we recommend wearing sturdy close-toed shoes, and although it may be hot, bring some sort of jacket if it is not summer.

What time is pick-up and drop-off?
Upon reservation, you’ll find the exact information about the closest pick-up point and time to your accommodation.
In any case, you can find the approximate pick-up and return times here from the various tourist areas:

Area Pick up time Return time
Arrecife 08:45-08:55 17:45
Costa Teguise 08:20-08:45 17:30-18:00
Playa Blanca 08:35 – 09:50 18:30 – 19:00
Playa Honda 08:50 – 08:55 18:00 – 18:20
Puerto Calero 09:30 – 09:40  19:00 – 19:30
Puerto del Carmen 09:05 – 09:35 18:30 – 19:00

*Return times are approximate under normal conditions.

What recommendations should I consider for this tour?
We recommend wearing closed shoes and clothing based on the time of the year, but always bring a hat, in case it’s too sunny, and a jacket in case the temperature changes in some areas.

We also recommend taking precautions against dizziness since the road is very curvy and some people, by not being used to it, can get dizzy on the road.

How much will it be between being picked up and when the tour starts?
Faced with the option of creating a single meeting point for our convenience or of defining several collection points so you can be picked up at your accommodation or close to it, we have chosen to offer the second option for your convenience. The service is slower, but it will be much more comfortable.

It should be considered that the areas further away from the starting point of the tour are normally the first pick-up areas and the last ones to be dropped off.

Can the described route vary?
On special occasions the routes may vary. Due to road closures and other types of force majeure situations, the itinerary may be modified. In these cases, we’ll try to inform you as far in advance as possible.

Are there stops to eat? When can I reserve my food?
We will make a long stop to eat. Throughout the excursion, the guide will inform you about the restaurant and mealtimes, as well as the different menus that you can reserve.

Restaurants have been selected considering 3 factors: 1.- It should lie within the tour route, so we don’t waste time traveling to other places. 2.- It should have the capacity and space to feed 50 people at the same time in the shortest time possible. 3.- Quality/price of the service.

Why is this excursion cheaper than the Lanzarote Highlights tour if it is longer?
The Grand Tour, even though it is longer in duration, is cheaper than the Lanzarote Highlights tour because it includes fewer places where you have to pay to enter.

What is the maximum weight per person for riding a camel?
The maximum weight per person for riding a camel is 110 kilos.

How much does the camel ride cost?
6 euros per person approximately. The guide will tell you the exact price on the bus.

How long is the ride?
The ride lasts approximately 20 minutes.

How is the reservation payment made?
If there are less than 5 people, an amount will have to be paid as a guarantee when making the reservation and the rest will be given to the guide, in cash, when boarding the bus.
If there are more than 5 people, the entire reservation will have to be paid when booking.

How can I pay for the reservation?
Reservations can be paid by credit or debit card or through PayPal

What happens if I get an error message when booking?
Occasionally there may be a problem with your credit card or PayPal account. Please try to reserve again if an error appears, try with another browser or device.
If the reservation is still not completed correctly, contact us through our customer service channels.

How will I know that the reservation was made correctly?
At the end of the reservation, a locator or reservation number will appear and, in less than 5 minutes, you should receive the booking voucher in your email inbox.

What happens if I have not received the reservation voucher?
If you haven’t received an email in your inbox, follow this procedure:

  1. Check your spam or junk mailbox.
  2. Contact us.

How long in advance should we book?
We always recommend booking as far in advance as possible since places are limited, and you could miss out on the excursion.

What happens if, when booking, there are no more places for the day I want to go on the excursion?
If you notice that you’re trying to book in a day shaded orange, that’s because there are no more places left. Try to book for another day or click on that day and fill in the form to add yourself to our waiting list in case there’s a cancellation. In more than 50% of the cases we usually find a solution.

How many stops does the tour make?
We make quite a few stops to see the places we’ve planned to visit and others to go to the bathroom from time to time.

How will the babies go on the bus?
Babies don’t have to pay for this excursion and will go on their parents’ lap.




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